Proven Ideas from Proven Ladies

Women Speakers
On-Demand Presentations
Women's Topics
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The conference was very enjoyable. Really felt moved and am making some positive changes in my life as we speak.
Jennifer Efferson, The Powers Company

Hear the Most Influential and Inspiring Women Leaders of Our Time Speaking.

The Best Ladies, from the Best Companies, Sharing the Best Ideas. Membership includes instant access to the world's largest video library of women's work knowledge below, a monthly subscription to the next 12 month's of national Zoom webconferences (dates below), plus access to all chapters' speakers added to the member portal each week. From leadership to work balance to coping to positioning, the answer is in the room.

There is no other organization in the world that comes even close to the level and breadth of the women's topics and number of speakers you will find here. Over 3,000 of the most successful women in business share their inside knowledge and proven methods for your success. We are grateful so many top ladies and members wish to share and give back to help their kindred colleagues succeed. Simply tap into their proven knowledge to unlock your full potential and purpose.

Recent Speakers (click topics)

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I thought that the topics were relevant from both a professional development and also a personal standpoint.
Jill Houchin, RaceTrac Petroleum

Listen to a Few Past Speakers Now

Emily Klor
Emily Klor Chief Operating Officer Allstate
Work-Life Integration: Finding Balance and Fulfillment
Amy Freshman
Amy Freshman Senior Director ADP Payroll
Wellness in the Workplace
Shannelle Fowler
Shannelle Fowler Director AbbVie Pharma
Owning Your Value, Communicating Your Worth
Joy Kelly Scott
Joy Kelly Scott Managing Director Ernst & Young
People, Passion & Persistence!
Carlyn Lynch
Carlyn Lynch Vice President JPMorgan Chase
Become the Authentic Leader You Envision
Nora Yousif
Nora Yousif Senior Vice President RBC Bank
How to Empow(Her) Your Finances and Future
Mabrie Jackson
Mabrie Jackson Managing Director H-E-B Groceries
Leading With Intention
Tracy Ford
Tracy Ford Vice President GE Digital
Finding your Path to Happy!
Kaelyn Phillips
Kaelyn Phillips Vice President Monster and Randstad
Owning Your Career
Lauren Simoneaux
Lauren Simoneaux Vice President JPMorgan Chase
Women Helping Women
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All of the speakers were leaders in their careers and extremely inspiration.
Denise Pagliarulo, AXIS Capital
Common Questions